Video: Rev. Graham has it backwards.

Rev. Graham has it backwards. from deconstructingthecoliseum on GodTube. Rev. Graham proposes using the force of law to advance Christianity, via the civil government school system. Christians have no right to do that. DtC Videos are blogs carrying a special...

Brief: What Jesus did when he went into the temple.

Ninety nine percent of the time the discussion about civil government schools centers around whether a parent should send his child to one. That is, Should I delegate my child’s discipleship to the civil government? When someone like me comes along and challenges that...

Video: Debate Challenge

Debate challenge. from deconstructingthecoliseum on GodTube. DtC Videos are blogs carrying a special intensity: there is eye contact, a human element, and Kevin R. Novak’s special emphatic presence, always hovering about the ABOLITION issue. View DtC Videos on...