Walter Winchell’s Quote is Wrong


Deconstructing the Coliseum: Teaching the Christian worldview, including how the civil government has no jurisdiction over the heart and the mind.

I have a pocket edition of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. In the front part of the small book there is a quote by Walter Winchell: “Too many people expect wonders from democracy, when the most wonderful thing of all is just having it.” I disagree with that statement, vehemently.

What the statement does is suggest that humans are wonderful for just having obtained such a thing as a civilized form of civil government – a democracy – where the people are supposedly in charge. But a democracy is just a process of making law; that in and of itself is not impressive. So what if humans make law? So what if humans elect their representatives? So what if the people are in charge? A democracy can be just as despotic as a dictatorship.

Like I said, I vehemently disagree with the quote. The most wonderful thing of all is not that the people are in charge; the most wonderful thing of all is God being in charge – and us acknowledging such a thing. (Further, a most wonderful thing is having a biblical republic, as the Scriptures require.)

I care less about how we make laws and more about what our laws are. In the U.S. – on the federal level – we have a type of democracy – a constitutional republic. But we don’t have righteous laws.

We need laws that outlaw abortion, outlaw sexual immorality, and outlaw the vehicle that spawns those things – the civil government school system. We need civil government school system abolition.


Civil government school system ABOLITION.