“Teacher” as a Profession

Deconstructing the Coliseum: Teaching the Christian worldview, including how the civil government has no God-given right to operate a school system.

The modern teaching system holds that teaching is a profession. Did Jesus have a Seminary degree when he taught in the Synagogues and Temples? There is nothing wrong with obtaining degrees, but they are not the objective. Exalting Jesus is the objective.

God has delegated the teaching duty to parents (fathers), not to a group of paid humanists who call themselves professionals just because they get a college degree. Who could (and should) know your child’s needs better than his or her parents? Who could (and should) know better how your child responds to teaching approaches? Teachers don’t have access to some special body of knowledge that others don’t have access to; humanists like to give Christians that impression. That is, in order to be an effective teacher you must have a degree. How preposterous!

Humanists like to sell Christians the lie that children must be taught by a professional. The federal civil government’s department of education tries to sell you this lie and so does the National Education Association (the NEA). They like to sell you that idea because the civil government has no children; and in order to perpetuate humanism from one generation to the next, your children must be recruited. Yes, your children are recruited by the civil government in order to pass humanism to the next generation.

Civil Government School System ABOLITION