The Federal Department of Education


Deconstructing the Coliseum: Promoting civil government school system abolition.

Today’s brief is about the federal department of education. According to their website, the federal department of education, “Currently administers a budget of $68.4 billion in discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) and operates programs that touch on every area and level of education. The Department’s elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 16,000 school districts and approximately 49 million students attending more than 98,000 public schools and 28,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students.”

In other words, the federal department of education takes – on average – $220 from every man, woman, and child, in the United States, by force, and then tells us how it is going to be spent. That money – because it is under the control of the federal civil government – cannot be spent on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only source of wisdom and true knowledge, because that would supposedly violate the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause.

Would you like an extra $220 a year to spend on spreading the gospel? I would. If your family consists of four people, would you like your family to have an extra $880 a year on spreading the gospel? Hopefully.

You must understand that any money forcefully taken from Christians is at the expense of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I just showed you that – and that was only one layer of civil government. The state and local civil governments have the rest of our money that we want to spend on gospel-centered ministry, including educating our own children according to the Christian worldview.

Once the civil government school system is abolished, true biblical education will thrive, and America will revive.


Civil government school system ABOLITION