If you as a parent are having difficulty with a civil government school inhibiting or prohibiting your child’s Christian expression, there is a simple solution: extract your child from the system. Oftentimes this is viewed as a defeatist position – We need to stand up to these people!, we are told.

Instead of pushing, trying pulling. The simple yet difficult fact to accept is that civil government schools should not exist, since education is inherently religious and God never gave the civil government lawful authority (jurisdiction) over the heart and mind. Where there is opposition to your child’s Christian expression, here are compelling reasons to extract your child from the civil government school system:

      • Extraction teaches the civil government that the family government has exclusive jurisdiction over your child’s education – and that they (the civil government) do not.
      • Extraction reduces the amount of funding for your local civil government school by the Per Pupil Expenditure in your jurisdiction (typically around $10,000). This is disastrous to the civil government school.
      • Extraction is an offensive approach for which there are no gatekeepers. While there are very basic requirements for reporting your child’s home school status, reclaiming the family government’s jurisdiction over education does not require begging a humanistic judge to see things from the Christian perspective. Thus, when you leverage the Free Exercise Clause you reclaim $10,00 from the civil government school system, instead of paying attorneys thousands of dollars to unnecessarily subject you to a humanistic gatekeeper.
      • Extraction means utilizing what we already have in (private) school: prayer…creationism…Jesus.
