I just finished reading Kevin Belmonte’s book A Hero for Humanity, about William Wilberforce, the human catalyst behind abolition of the English slave trade. The book chronicles Wilberforce’s two great objectives; Wilberforce himself wrote: “God Almighty has set before me two great objects: the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.” By manners he meant morals.

The book also chronicles Wilberforce’s Great Change, the time from 1784 to 1786 when Wilberforce was regenerated, albeit slowly. After his regeneration he sought John Newton’s advice on whether to continue as a Member of Parliament, or in the alternative join the clergy. Newton wrote this to Wilberforce: Indeed the great point for our comfort in life is to have a well-grounded persuasion that we are where, all things considered, we ought to be. Then it is no great matter whether we are in public or in private life, in a city or a village, in a palace or a cottage. The promise, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee,’ is necessary to support us in the smoothest scenes, and is equally able to support us in the most difficult.”

Newton’s advice, of course, positively correlates with First Timothy 2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” The reason Newton’s advice positively correlates with 1 Timothy 2 is because 1 Timothy 2 does not mean, If God regenerates you while you are acting as the civil magistrate, you must thereupon resign. Christians can and should be the civil government. After William Wilberforce was born again, John Newton didn’t condemn him for trying to force Christianity on people. He encouraged him to establish law in conformity with Scripture. Involuntary slavery is unbiblical.

It just so happens that while Wilberforce was promoting abolition of the slave trade, he was working on people from the inside out – morals. That is what the civil government school system abolition movement is about. Working on people from the inside out, so that eventually they will see that the existence of a civil government school system is wrong. Then there will be abolition.


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